Extraordinary Measures

Information about our sponsor: Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities (CCARH)


You need the DMuse Viewer in order to view .cft files.

If your ISP does not allow anonymous FTP, you will need the files for Disk 2

Online Content:

Here is a Bach Mass

Here is some Haydn

Here are some Bach Chorales

Here is a Mozart symphony (No. 38)

Here is the score to Handel's Messiah Score

Here is the continuo part for Handel's Messiah Continuo

Here is an expanded continuo part for Handel's Messiah Expanded Continuo

Installation Notes:

Note: A future version of the DMuse Viewer will have a digital signature and it will no longer be necessary to download the files first and install it by clicking its icon with the right-hand mouse button and selecting "run as...".

If you have difficulty, please e-mail the file: c:\dmusedbg.txt to vmusebugs@extraordinarymeasures.com

Note: The software installs itself and needs an active Internet connection to do so.

Out of respect for your privacy, we do NOT collect information about you or your computer.

You can download the viewer first and then run it, or you can run it from here and it will prompt you for an installation directory

For Window 95/98/Me users, you will need to set an environment variable by adding, to your autoexec.bat file, the line:


where "foo" is the installation directory mentioned above.

For most people this will be:

set DMUSE_VIEWER_HOME=c:\dmuseviewer

For me, since I keep it on drive g: it is:

set DMUSE_VIEWER_HOME=g:\dmuseviewer

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